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DANKE fur den sehr brauchbaren Tipp!!! Interessante Informationen!!

gruss wima690.
Hallo WIMA 690,
Über Tschechen in der Deutschen Wehrmacht, gibt es sehr gute Informationen im Rundbrief 50 von Manfred Bunde,sowie Ergänzungen im Rundbrief 70 der Arge Deutsche Feldpost. Kann man vielleicht noch bekommen
Grüsse richardwolle

Hallo Max und Tiger213,

DANKE fur die Hilfreiche Informationen!!

Sammlergruss wima690.

The German authorities and army were responsible for the military affairs and the defence of Bohrmiz-Moravia. The government of the protectorate was howver allowed to have a small army of its  own, known as the Regierungstruppe - Vládni Vojsko. Consisting mainky of soldiers of the disbanded Czechoslovak army, it handled security and protocol affairs, like guarding industrial installations or forming the presidential guard. In 1944 most men deserted and joined the resistance.

Inspector General
Generální Inspektor

1939 - 1945   BrigGen. Jaroslav Eminger                      1886 – 1964       


After the Czech part of Czecho-Slovakia was annexed by the Germans, the Czech army was dismantled (the Slovac part became independent with its own army) and the Czech part of the country was declared a German protectorate with of course Heydrich in charge). After this take over the Germans surprizingly allowed the Protectorate, now called in German "Bohmen und Mahren" (Bohemia-Moravia) to raise its own army, which was called (in Czech) "Vladni Vojsko". The Army never exceeded 7,000 troops (12 battalions only!) and was raised for ceremonial duties and guarding important installations (big time German armament industry like Skoda works etc...) within the Protectorate. The army was seen as an auxiliary to the German Wehrmacht, wore field grey uniforms, so German in color, but still Czech in design.

In May 1944 11 of the 12 batallions were sent to Italy to aid the Germans initially to fight the partisans and protect defensive installations... but because of many desertions in October 1944 the Czechs were disarmed and used strictly as labor troops (bau truppen) to construct defensive positions...This lead to even more desertions in the final stages of the war... Many finding their way to the recruiting offices of the (Allied) Free Czech Army!

The 1 batallion of Protectorate troops that did not get deployed to fight with the Wehrmacht in Italy, remained in Prague as guards/security forces and eventually defected during the Prague uprising in 1945.


Das was ich darüber gefunden Habe :
Quelle : Waffen-SS und Ordnungspolizei im Kriegseinsatz 1939-1945
                                    Ein Überblick anhand der Feldpostübersicht


habe diesen Beleg eingestellt und Brauche eure Hilfe.
Es handelt sich hier, meiner Meinung nach, uber einen Beleg der Tschechische Regierungstruppe.
Absender (ein Tscheche) der Dienststelle 32224= Stab IV und 1.-4.Kompanie Generalinspektorat der Regierungstruppen Bohmen und Mahren (Ordnungspolizei).
Was war dies fur eine Einheit, wo war sie Eingesetzt und wer hat weitere Info's?!

gruss wima690

Suche / Sammele alles von den Sonderverbande der Wehrmacht (Brandenburger / Verband 287-288-Bergmann / Hermann Goring Verbände / Waffen-SS / Bewährungseinheiten / Verband Gross-Deutschland).

B. Feldpostverkehr der tschechischen Einheiten / Tschechen
« Letzter Beitrag von Feldpost-Admin am 12. Januar 2008, 04:05:52 »
Polizei und Regierungstruppen der Prager Regierung, 7000 Mann und 280 Offiziere.
Mai 1944 werden 5000 Mann nach Norditalien verlegt und übernehmen Sicherungsaufgaben.
Mai 1945 Aufstellung der "St-Wenzel-Rotte" aus 100 Freiwilligen.

Quelle: Handbuch Katalog "Deutsche Feldpost 1937-1945"
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