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05. Januar 2025, 00:38:24

Anmeldung mit Benutzernamen, Passwort und Sitzungsdauer

35654C Einh. StuG Brig 902 Cherbourg

Begonnen von hw33175, 20. August 2012, 22:21:43

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Lt. Tessin war die Einheit in Cherbourg.

Feldpost des Lt. Engelmann, Fp. Nr.: 35654C = Stab u. Einh. StuG Brig. 902
Feldpostbrief 05.7.44 "b" mit Inhalt v. 22.6.44

Faltbrief v. 29.6.44 "b" mit Inhalt v. 26.6.44.
Keine Ortsnennung im Inhalt. Aber "so lange Cherbourg noch in unserer Hand ist, bleibt alles unverändert"

Er kam aus der Normandie heraus.

9.9.44 mit Ortsstempel aus Kalterherberg (Kr. Monschau)
Inhalt: .........
Aber  so ein klein wenig haben wir es glaube ich auch verdient, dass wir mal etwas Ruhe haben, denn erstens haben wir in den letzen Wochen fast alles verloren, was wir haben und zweitens waren die Einsätze auch danach. Mir ist es dieses Mal auch wieder saugut gegangen. So ungefähr eine Minute vor zwölf habe ich dann doch noch in dem großen Kessel die Kurve gekratzt. Einmal fuhr ich mit meinem Wagen  aus Versehen mitten in den Amerikaner hinein. Meinen Wagen musste ich dabei aufgeben, während ich mich selbst zu Fuss durch die Flucht retten konnte ...

le. Brief v. 27.9.44, Kämpfe a. d. Schelde.

H-F v. 6.11.44 mit Zurück Vermerk "Empfänger gefallen für Großdeutschland"




hier noch etwas aus dem Internet über die Sturmgeschützabteilung 902, leider in englisch.

Wenn ich es richtig lese, dann ist die Abteilung nicht in Cherbourg gewesen:

Hier der Text:

902. Sturmgeschütz Abteilung

The battalion was formed from the school in Tours1 and it was occasionally refered to as 902. StuG. Lehr-Abt.2

On 1 June the battalion had 25 StuG operational and six in workshops. It had no StuH III with 10,5 cm gun.3

When the allied forces landed the battalion was still at Tours. Two days later the 902. was subordinated to the 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div.4 It seems however that the battalion was not comitted in the sector of the 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. Hans Stöber, who has written a history of the 17. SS, states that the 902. StuG.Abt. was on its way but did not appear at the division.5 There is some support for this in the Gliederungen charts of 7. Army.6 On 11 June these show that the 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. was subordinated to 2. Fallschirm Korps, while 902. StuG.Abt. was with 84. Korps. Two days later it is indicated that the 902. was with forces comitted on the Cotentin. This is also supported by an OB West document which indicates that the battalion was located in the Valognes area.7

Given its location, the battalion was among the units likely to be surrounded if the US forces succeded in advancing to the western coast of the Cotentin peninsula. On 19 June the 7. Army Gliderung shows that the battalion was with Gruppe von Schlieben.8 However, two days later the 902. StuG.Abt. was located near La Haye du Puits and had 13 combat ready StuG.9 On 24 June it was in the area of 91. Division.10 Evidently the battalion managed to escape from encirclement.

On 1 July the battalion was at full strength, having 30 StuG III combat ready and one in need of repair.11 The losses suffered by the battalion during its first month in Normandy were slight. Until 11 July only three StuG were total losses, while two drivers and five vehicle commanders had been killed.12

The second half of July seems to have been much more costly for the battalion. On 1 August it had only one StuG combat ready, while seven were in workshops.13 Also it had 3 combat ready StuH III14, which indicates that it had recieved some replacements.

At the beginning of September the battalion had ten assault guns and was with the 19. Army.15

On 1 October the battalion had 415 men. It had recieved 184 men as replacements during September and suffered 34 casualties. Thus the battalion must have had 265 men on 1 September. It had 19 combat ready assault guns and one in workshop on 1 October.16

Und hier der link

Viele Grüße
Fliegende Einheiten, Stalingrad, Kessel, Zensur, Feldpost aus 45