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07. Januar 2025, 04:58:46

Anmeldung mit Benutzernamen, Passwort und Sitzungsdauer

Nachrichten-Kompanie 705 im März 1945

Begonnen von Manfred, 19. Juli 2021, 15:36:25

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Weiss jemand, wo sich die Nachrichten-Kompanie 705 im Mitte März 1945 aufgehalten hat?

Feldpostnummer 67146
(23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 9.12.1944 Nachrichten-Kompanie 705

Und der Briefstempel auf dem Beleg hat zusätzlich die FpNr 47528

(30.7.1941-28.2.1942) Durchgangsvermittlung Tetra

Da wäre ich sehr dankbar, wenn jemand was zum Aufenthaltsort sagen kann.



Also vermutlich mit der Chiffrierabteilung OKW verbunden? Ich finde nur eines über 1944/45: (Halle/ Saale). Welcher Stempel hat der Umschlag?

Quelle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cipher_Department_of_the_High_Command_of_the_Wehrmacht

By end of 1944 and the beginning of 1945, Chi had begun to disintegrate.[18] Increasing bombing and difficult working conditions in Berlin forced Chi to transfer to Army Signal School (German: Heeresnachrichtenschule) (LNS) Halle (Saale) in Halle on 13 February 1945,[18] with the cryptanalytic machinery left lying in the cellar of the Haus des Fremdenverkehrs, Potsdamer Straße, in Berlin.[19] Message decryption continued on a limited scale. On 13 April 1945, Chi partially dissolved when Colonel Hugo Kettler dismissed all staff who wanted to go home. All remaining personnel of Chi again moved on 14 April by military train to Werfen station in Austria. It ceased to exist the next day. All papers and machinery was destroyed by burning in anticipation of the American forces, the American Ninth Army arriving in the next few days.[18] All burnt material was thrown into the River Salzach next to the Werfen station.[14]

No Verlässliche Nachrichten's (V.N's) (described below) were thrown into the River Salzach. V.N's from 1922 to 1939 were deposited in the archive of the Chef des Heeres in Potsdam. The V.N's for 1940-1943 were deposited at the Tirpitzufer 38-42, later renamed the Bendlerblock. The V.N's for the last year were all burnt.[14]


Hier der Briefstempel
